General Soccer FAQ
- What are the different programs that Stillwater Soccer Club offers?
We offer recreational, travel rec, academy, and competitive (APEX) programming. Please see our programs page for additional information on the specific differences.
Recreational Soccer FAQ
- What special equipment does my child need?
Your child should have soccer cleats, shin guards and the appropriate size soccer ball. Every registered player will receive a game day shirt. - Can I choose a specific team or buddy?
We do not take individual requests for team assignments. All practices and games for a respective age group are at the same time in the same complex. - How are teams formed and balanced out?
We try to make teams as even as possible by taking into account birth year, years of experience, and any prior knowledge we may have of a particular player. - How do we communicate with our coach or know the schedule?
Each coach chooses their preferred communication medium. The club suggests GroupMe, GameChanger, text, or email messaging. The schedule will be posted on the Stillwater Soccer Club website once it’s available. - Where and when are practices and games held?
All practices and games for U6, U8, and U10 will be held at the Stillwater Medical Soccer Complex or Babcock Park. Our goal is hold all sessions within the 5:30 – 8:00 time range on Tuesday and Thursday, but this is subject to change as a function of number of players registered, parking spots, and daylight. We may occasionally need to play on a Saturday morning. - I’d like to volunteer my time or expertise, how may I support the program?
We need volunteer coaches. We also need volunteer staff (non-coaching). Please see our volunteers page for more information. - I still have questions about recreational soccer, who do I reach out to?
Please reach out to with any questions you may have.
Travel Rec Soccer FAQ
- What special equipment does my child need?
Your child should have soccer cleats, shin guards and the appropriate size soccer ball. U11 and U12 use size 4. U13 and older uses size 5. - How do we communicate with our coach or know the schedule?
We will communicate with all families to let them know if we a team for your respective players age group has been formed. The coach determines the practice schedule and location. The league we join determines the game schedule. - Is there a team for my son/daughter’s age group?
Teams will be formed if there are enough players signed up. If we have a enough interest, we can form a team in any age group. Help spread the word to get your friends involved to ensure a team can form! - How are teams formed?
There are no tryouts – players of all skill level are welcome to join. Players should be playing at least 50% of each game. - I still have questions about recreational soccer, who do I reach out to?
Please reach out to with any questions you may have.
Academy Program FAQ
- What special equipment does my child need?
Your child should have soccer cleats, shin guards and the appropriate size soccer ball. - What is the difference between Recreational soccer and Academy soccer?
Recreational soccer is all about the joy of the game. It features volunteer coaches and a relaxed commitment level, fostering a friendly and enjoyable atmosphere for play. The Academy serves as a bridge to competitive soccer, equipping players for the more demanding aspects of the sport. It involves experienced coaching, higher expectations, and a challenging environment, catering to players who are either already skilled or aspiring to enhance their abilities. - What is the difference between Academy and Competitive soccer?
The Academy is designed as a stepping stone, smoothly transitioning players from Recreational to Competitive soccer. Competitive soccer starts at U11. Academy is designed for U9 and U10 (2016 and 2015 birth year) players that are interested in preparing for the more competitive leagues.
- Can I do Recreation and Academy soccer?
This will need to be handled on a case by case and should be discussed with the Academy Coach as well as the Youth Commissioner. We are generally in favor of this approach. - Do I have to play Academy to play Competitive soccer in the future?
While participation in the Academy Program is not mandatory, it does offer a benefit for those who join. Since the program is available only for the U9 and U10 age group, it’s a valuable opportunity to gain a head start, especially for those aspiring to play competitive soccer in the future. - Is the commitment more than Recreational Soccer? How often do we practice?
Our Academy teams usually have training sessions twice a week, each lasting at least 1.25 hours. The key distinction lies in the training atmosphere we cultivate. Having a coach with the right experience and qualifications is essential for us. It’s important that players are grouped with others of similar skill levels, as this promotes the most effective learning environment. - What happens if I don’t make the Academy team?
Players not chosen for the Academy team will be able to play in the Rec league and can attend one night of Academy practice each week to advance their skills. - How many players are on an Academy team?
We accept the top 10-12 players to play Academy full-time. We try to make “age pure” teams where possible. - When are practices? When are games?
The practice schedule is set by the coach. We aim for a minimum of two practices per week. We look for a minimum of two tournaments each season to participate in. - I still have questions about Academy, who do I reach out to?
Please reach out to with any questions you may have..
APEX Program FAQ
- What is the cost of APEX?
APEX is a school year-long commitment (10 months). The cost is $100 upfront and $65 per month from August to May. There is also a one-time charge for uniforms of around $200. We replace uniforms once every three years, and we are entering year 3 of 3. - What’s the difference between APEX and recreation soccer?
At the U11 level, we introduce a more competitive and structured program. APEX teams practice at least twice per week and play around 8 games in the fall and 8 games in the spring, with a mix of home and away games. Many teams also participate in at least 2 tournaments in the fall and 2 in the spring, often held in OKC, Tulsa, and Wichita. - My player is multi-sport. How does this work for them?
We have many multi-sport players. Work with the coach to create a plan for your player. In some cases, practice sessions from adjoining groups on different nights might be available. - What days are practices on?
The practice dates and times are set by the coach. - When do practices start and when does the season end?
The fall season generally starts in August and ends in December. We then pick back up in February and run until May. Some teams may play indoor at Soccer City OKC or Soccer City Tulsa during the winter break (optional). - Outside of league and uniform fees, what other fees are there?
Any tournaments we participate in come with extra fees. We divide the tournament entry cost by the players who attend. The same applies to Soccer City. - What if I worry my kid isn’t ‘good enough’ for APEX?
We often hear this concern. Kids evolve and learn quickly. Our primary goal is to ensure they have fun and understand that with hard work and practice, they can improve. We regularly see kids progress significantly within a year. They are developing and growing into their bodies. Don’t rush to judge their potential. Every player has unique attributes, whether it’s raw athleticism, skill, or something in between. Coaches find ways to bring out their strengths. It’s important to note that when we sign a team up for the league, we also have room to put the team in “Bronze, Silver, or Gold” to try and get them the right level of competition. - Anything we can do in the summer to prepare?
The best way to prepare is to play and practice. Kick a ball around. We list known private instructors on the club’s website, and you can set up individual sessions with them. - What if we start and don’t want to continue?
We register with leagues during the summer to prepare for the fall season and we depend on player headcounts to form teams. We ask that if you commit to APEX, you stick with it. We understand things come up, and you may need to miss practices or occasional games, but the expectation of commitment is higher with this program. Many kids are on a multi-year journey together, growing from 7v7 to 9v9 to 11v11 as they age. We aim to set the stage for long-term growth, team play, and team culture, which requires deliberate effort and practice. - What if I need financial help with the league fees?
Please reach out to - Is there equal playing time for all kids?
No, there is not. The general idea is that we would like to have balance in regular season games, but in tournaments, it may be more of a meritocracy based on coach preference. - Can I just play in the Fall? or Spring?
We cannot support this model today. Our teams stay together for the school year, so having players drop and add in Fall and Spring can create additional unintended consequences for team size. - What are the benefits of playing soccer for kids?
Soccer is a fantastic team sport that teaches players to work within the different dynamics of the team. It helps build a strong team culture, emphasizes individual performance within the team context, and improves overall team performance. Kids learn valuable life skills such as communication, teamwork, and resilience. Playing soccer also promotes physical fitness, coordination, and a sense of belonging, all of which contribute to their overall development. - What if I still have questions?
Reach out to Justin Elkington, our Director of Coaching, at or We are here to help, and our mission is to get as many kids as possible playing soccer.
2024-2025 Age Chart
U5 | 2020 | U6 | 2019 |
U7 | 2018 | U8 | 2017 |
U9 | 2016 | U10 | 2015 |
U11 | 2014 | U12 | 2013 |
U13 | 2012 | U14 | 2011 |
U15 | 2010 | U16 | 2009 |
U17 | 2008 | U18 | 2007 |
U19 | 2006 |